Friday, 20 November 2009

Pre-Volunteering Training Partner Confirmed: Bridge Employment

As part of the Sheffield Volunteering Strategy, Bridge Employment are set to put together a programme of Pre-Volunteering Training for people in Sheffield who have disabilities, learning difficulties and mental health problems. 

Subject to successful funding bids in the New Year, Bridge Employment have confirmed that they will be able to run a series of 8-week training programmes to encourage and support people who typically face barriers to volunteering, to enable them to participate.  This is exciting news, as it will hopefully enable eighty people per year from all areas of Sheffield to access volunteering opportunities who would ordinarily find it very difficult to do so. 

The content of the training will be informed by guidance from the Supporting Volunteers Focus Group (set up during the Volunteering Strategy consultation period, and comprising representatives from a range of charities working with people with support needs such as physical and sensory disabilities, mental health problems, asylum seekers and ex-offenders).  The Focus Group identified a 'wish list' of key areas that such a programme would tackle.  Topics are likely to include: The Benefits of Volunteering, Rights & Responsibilities, Time Managment, Effects on Welfare Benefits, Career Development Opportunities, Team-working, Transport Tips, Communication Skills, and potentially other specific skills around customer care, food hygiene and fundraising.

The Pre-Volunteering Training will be open to anybody who falls into Bridge Employment's client group (i.e. learning disabilities, mental health problems and other disabilities), so if you work with people who could benefit from this scheme get in touch!

For more information on Bridge Employment:

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