Wednesday, 6 January 2010

The Snow... no Show... Must Go On!

There may be snowy-chaos all around, but the number of people who seem to have managed to ride, walk, cycle or sledge to work has been impressive over the last week!  Despite the chill factor and obvious temptation of staying in a lovely warm bed in the mornings, work has largely gone on as usual at VAS this week.  As have preparations for the Volunteering Strategy Launch event and its impending implementation.

Bookings have continued to come in for the Volunteering Strategy Launch  - that event is now full, but anybody who is interested can still however put their name down on a waiting list just in case.  At the time of writing there were still just a few places left for the Social Media Surgery following the Strategy Launch, so book your place quickly if you want one (see previous post).  Elsewhere, feedback on the Compact Code of Practice for Volunteering will hopefully be winging its way over from both steering groups (Local Authority and Health Compact) to me soon.  A meeting to plan implementation of the Volunteering Buddy Scheme did unfortunately have to be cancelled today however, so plans for that will have to wait until all the necessary parties can come together. 

More meetings are coming up soon to firm up arrangements for other parts of the strategy... all to be revealed next week.  So in the meantime, Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing many of you on the 14th!

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